Tuesday February 27th Slaughter Sale

Results from Slaughter Sale:  Tuesday February 27th, 2018


Cattle Sold 927 HD


High Yielding Choice Beef Steers/Heifers: 130 ~ 134.50


Mixed Select/ Lower Yield Choice Beef Strs/Hfrs: 124 ~ 129.50


High Yielding Choice/ Prime Holstein Steers: 90 ~ 98     Beef Type/Crossbred up to $120


Mixed Select/ Lower Yield Choice Holstein Steers: 85 ~ 89.50


High Dressing Cutter/ Boning Utility Cows: 65 ~ 77


Lower Dressing Cutter/ Boning Utility Cows: 55 ~ 64


Shelly/Doubtful Health Cows: 54 and Down


High Yielding Slaughter Bulls: 80-86


Lower Yielding Slaughter Bulls: 78 and down


Good Quality Baby Calves: 75-100